Access to good health care
SolidarMed's vision is to provide all people in southern and eastern Africa with access to good health care.
Our Vision
Our vision is a world in which all people can live in the best possible health, with dignity and
Our Mandate
We strengthen existing medical facilities and train local health personnel. Our projects are developed in close cooperation with local partners such as hospitals, health centres and health authorities, supported by our health experts on the ground. We focus on expanding and improving preventive, curative, rehabilitative and palliative health care.
Our focal areas are
- the health of mothers, children and adolescents
- combating diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis and diabetes
- improving the quality of treatment in hospitals and health centres
- training and further professional development of health workers.
We promote local development and the transfer of innovations. As a catalyst and driving force, we develop and pilot new solutions to strengthen health systems.
In Switzerland, SolidarMed creates awareness of the health needs of people in rural Africa. As a Swiss non-profit organisation with the Zewo certificate, SolidarMed works efficiently, conscientiously and transparently. SolidarMed continuously monitors the effectiveness of all projects and adapts them accordingly.

A pregnancy consultation with a village midwife in Lupiro, Tanzania.
Our Values
Our commitment is based on an attitude of solidarity and partnership. The name SolidarMed
bears witness to this.
Social equity
We are committed to ensuring that all people can realize their right to physical and mental health
without discrimination, regardless of age, situation, gender, religion, place of resid ence or income.
Self-determined development
Health enables people to shape their lives freely and to realize their potential. We respect and
promote the right to self-determined individual and societal development.
Expertise, experience, trust and credibility are the capital and the basis of our work: SolidarMed
is fair, transparent and respectful towards partners, beneficiaries, donors and its staff.
We stand for a reliable, binding and value-preserving development, which balances social, ecological,
and economic concerns.

Our Principles
Equal partnerhsip
Our commitment is based on equal partnerships in which goals are jointly defined and projects are jointly implemented.
Accelerating local development
Competence and trust are the basis of our work. Through training, support and advice, we act as
catalyst to local development.
Strenghening resilience
We strengthen the resilience of health and social systems so that they can cope better and faster with new and future challenges.
Helping people to help themselves
We support poor and disadvantaged people and communities in their efforts to make lasting improvements to their lives and health.
Scientific validation
Our programs are based on scientific evidence and in accordance with national and international standards. We pay attention to proven strategies and do not reinvent the wheel. We are committed to the principle of "do no harm".
We design our programs coherently, in line with the goals of our partners and complementing the initiatives of other actors. We avoid duplication of efforts.
Learning from each other
We are a learning organization and, together with our partners, systematically review the results and impact of our programs and projects.
Acting together
We network with civil society, the private sector and state actors and promote exchange between the various levels.
Fair interaction
We are fair, transparent, and respectful in our external and internal relations. Our commitments to partners and staff are reliable and binding. We promote open communication.
We use funds and donations efficiently and in line with recognized quality standards. We promote good governance and anti-corruption both internally and externally.

Jochen Ehmer MD
Head of Medicine and Public Health
Tel. +41 41 310 66 60