Eight Countries - One Team
SolidarMed consists of local country teams in the eight countries of operation. Our teams include doctors, midwives, nursing specialists, computer experts, drivers and many more. From Switzerland, they are supported by a team at headquarters in Lucerne.

Executive Board

Eliane Kiener

Jochen Ehmer MD
Head of Medicine and Public Health

Elisabeth Meier-Birchmeier
Head of Finance and Services

Ilse van Roy
Head of International Programmes

Pierina Maibach
Co-Head Fundraising and Communications

Andreas Rösch
Co-Head Fundraising and Communications
Team Switzerland

Sibylle Bucher
Finance and accounting

Patricia Casutt
Institutional Partnerships

Natalie Ehrenzweig

Gabriela Fuchs
Institutional Partnerships

Pauline Grimm PhD
Programme Lesotho

Armin Halilovic

Linda Haller
Assistant International Programmes

Michael Hobbins PhD
Research, Quality and Development

Lucy Kormann
Individual Giving

Sara Küng
Finance and accounting

Karolin Pfeiffer MD MPH
Programme Tanzania

Laura Ruckstuhl PhD
Programme Zimbabwe

René Sager
Design and Communication

Sidonie Buck
Digital Marketing and Fundraising

Hetty Starace-Beniers
Fundraising & Donation Administration

Patrick Thomas
Programmes Zambia, South Africa, Kenya, India

Thomas Vandamme MD MPH
Programme Mozambique

Arlette von Weissenfluh
Team Lesotho
The Lesotho team consists of 106 staff members based in Maseru and in the districts of Mokhotlong and Butha Buthe.

Irene Ayakaka
Technical Director

Mamello Letsie
Operational Director

Ravi Gupta MD
Project Manager Health First Lesotho

Nkopane Masheane
Projectmanager Early Child Development

Thakane Mojaje
Team Mozambique
The Mozambique team consists of 53 staff members based in Cabo Delgado province.

Barbara Kruspan
Country Director

Arturo Silva
Technical Director

Abide Dias
Projectmanager IPC

Idiovino Raphael
Projektmanager Ancuabe

Faruk Mamudo
Accounting and Finances
Team Tanzania
The Tanzania team consists of 17 staff members. They are based in Ifakara and in the districts of Ulanga, Malinyi and Mbulu.

Benatus Sambili
Country Director

Federica Laurenti
Project Manager Good Start

Frida Akyoo
Project Manager PHC Ubuntu

Mary Yagalla
Project Manager AHA

Monica Msuya
Team Zambia
The Zambia team consists of 11 staff members based in Lusaka.

John Tierney
Country Director

Nzila Lubinda
Infrastructure Support and Managing Director Ubuntu Homes

Joy-Desta Brandsma
Project Manager Nursing

Mwansa Ketty Lubeya
Project Manager ACEZ

Owen Mwanza
Team Zimbabwe
The Zimbabwe team has a total of 24 staff members based in Masvingo and Silveira.

Kudakwashe Madzeke
Country Director Zimbabwe

Witness Chigaba

Cordelia Kunzekwenyika MD
Project Manager Adolescent Health and Leap Start

Alvern Mutengerere MD
Project Manager Non-communicable diseases

Board of Directors
The Board of the association is elected by the General Assembly for a term of three years. In 2021, the members of the Board of Directors performed a total of 970 hours of voluntary work.

Niklaus Labhardt MD Professor

Bernadette Peterhans
Vice President

Laura Frick
Member Examination Board

Guido Keel PhD Professor
Communication Commission

Bettina Maeschli
Communications Commission

Robert van der Ploeg MD
Head of Program Commission

Hansjörg Widmer
Head of Audit Commission