News and background
Improve primary health care
SolidarMed improves health care for more than 2.5 million people in rural Africa and in India. We strengthen existing medical facilities and train local health personnel. Our projects are developed in close collaboration with local partners such as hospitals, health centres and health authorities, supported by our health experts on site.
Our Topics
Our work focuses on the health of mothers, children and adolescents. We fight diseases, strengthen hospitals and health facilities and train and educate health personnel.
Discover our projects
Our projects are developed in close cooperation with local partner hospitals and health authorities and reflect local health needs. We are guided by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Our Project Areas
SolidarMed is currently active in eight countries in southern and eastern Africa as well as in India.
Our Project Areas
SolidarMed is currently active in eight countries in southern and eastern Africa as well as in India.

SolidarMed | Zusammenarbeit, die wirkt.
SolidarMed stellt die Gesundheitsversorgung ins Zentrum all seiner Aktivitäten. Als akkreditierte Programmorganisation der Direktion für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit DEZA ist SolidarMed der Agenda 2030 und ihrer Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung verpflichtet. SolidarMed ist ein gemeinnütziger Verein nach Schweizer Recht und konfessionslos. Finanziell getragen wird SolidarMed von seinen Mitgliedern, privaten und institutionellen Gönnern, Stiftungen und der öffentlichen Hand.