Partner for Health
SolidarMed is the Swiss NPO for Health in Africa. Medically competent, locally rooted and at eye level.
Our Vision
We are committed to a world in which all people have equal access to good, affordable health care.
Access to basic health care for all
SolidarMed creates access to basic health care for all people and thus enables the right to dignity, self-determination and health.
Solidarity and partnership are at the heart of all of our activities. We strive for social balance and promote self-determined development. SolidarMed behaves fairly, transparently and respectfully towards the local population, donors, partners and its employees. Professional competence, experience, trust and credibility form the basis of our work.
Eight countries - one team
We have over 150 people working in seven countries in southern Africa as well as in Hyderabad, India, to improve health care for local communities. SolidarMed strengthens health systems and so contributes to the sustainable development goals.
The activities in Hyderabad, Kenya, Mozambique, Lesotho, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe are supported by a team in Lucerne.

«SolidarMed is committed to a world in which all people have equal access to good health care.»
Niklaus Labhardt, specialist in Infectious Diseases and President of SolidarMed

Our History
SolidarMed has always been a child of its time. We began as a Catholic organisation in the 1920s. Since then, SolidarMed has completely transformed itself into an organisation that focuses on "helping people to help themselves" and the right of every individual to decent health care. What has remained unchanged is our solidarity with people in need.

A Swiss nun gives anatomy lessons for local staff in Ifakara, Tanzania. Image undated.
Further reading
Annual Report 2020
Download (5.16 M) PDFStatutes SolidarMed
SolidarMed is an association under Swiss law. The aim of the association is to promote medical care in countries of the South.
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