As home to 42 ethnic groups, with different cultures, languages and religions, Kenya is a true multi-ethnic country. Despite its economic growth, a large section of the population lives below the poverty line.
The East African country has made significant economic progress in recent years. At the same time, it has been hit by extreme weather events, such as drought and a locust infestation. The Covid-19 pandemic was a further blow to the population, and had a negative impact on food security. Poverty is widespread, with some 17% of the population living on less than USD 1.90 a day.
Keny in Numbers
Maternal mortality
342 deaths per 100,000 live births
Under-5 mortality
42 deaths per 1,000 live births
Doctors per 10,000 population
1.6 (Switzerland 44)
Keny in Numbers

SolidarMed in Kenya
Currently, 5.4% of Kenya’s adult population is HIV-positive. But there are huge regional differences in HIV/AIDS prevalence: for example in the rural area around Butere, around 15% of the population is living with HIV. These regions are particularly remote, which makes it more difficult to access vital medical care.
On top of this, the quality of state-run clinics is often poor, while private care is unaffordable for many. In fact, sometimes just the cost of transport to get to the clinic prevents people seeking medical treatment. As a result, many people still die of AIDS and related illnesses in Kenya. Throughout the country, there are around 660,000 AIDS orphans and 110,000 children living with HIV (up to the age of 14). Only just under 60% of young men and women aged between 15 and 24 know how to protect themselves against HIV transmission.

Patrick Thomas
Programmes Zambia, South Africa, Kenya, India
Tel. +41 41 310 66 60
Hope for children and adolescents living with HIV
SolidarMed works with its local partner organisation, Don Amolo Memorial Kids Ark (DAMKA), to support children and adolescents living with HIV by providing medical care, access to education and social support. This includes medical and psychological care and support for HIV-positive children and adolescents through home visits and medical check-ups; providing access to education through contributions to the cost of school fees, food and learning equipment for schoolchildren and adolescents in vocational training; and providing extra tuition during the very long school holidays.
DAMKA is a professional and growing organisation based in Butere. The local organisation has close ties to social services, schools and vocational training institutions and has more than tripled the number of people it helps in recent years.