Digital X-ray machine for Chikombedzi
In the hospital in remote Chikombedzi, an X-ray machine is finally available again after seven years. This was made possible by a cooperation between the Japanese embassy and SolidarMed.

High profile visit to the remote hospital of Chikombedzi in southern Zimbabwe. The Japanese Ambassador of Zimbabwe, Toshiyuki Iwado, travelled to the extremely remote Chikombedzi region, which is currently suffering from a severe drought, for the official launch of the machine.
For seven years, medical personnel lacked the ability to diagnose with x-rays. This enables bone fractures to be detected or tumors to be made visible. Thanks to the modern, digital device, this can now be done cost-effectively: the images are displayed directly on a screen and no longer need to be developed as with conventional devices. SolidarMed ensured that the donation from the Japanese embassy was installed in the X-ray room and that the staff was trained.
Among other things, the Ambassador thanked the SolidarMed team in Zimbabwe for not only setting up the machine, but also training the staff.