94th General Assembly 2020 at the Bourbaki cinema
The General Assembly on September 5, 2020 was held for the first time in both real and virtual form at the Bourbaki cinema in Lucerne. The applicable hygiene measures were observed.

Members voting in the cinema hall.
Procedure of the General Meeting and discharge of the Board of Directors
First of all, President Niklaus Labhardt welcomed everybody. Secondly, he approved the protocol of the General Assembly of May 24, 2019, and presented the annual report. Jochen Ehmer from the administrative office then presented the annual report of the administrative office. Elisabeth Meier, also from the office, presented the annual financial statements and the report of the auditors. After each block of topics, those present in the auditorium as well as the participants via Zoom had the opportunity to ask questions to the responsible persons. Another important item on the agenda was the discharge of the board of directors. This was unanimously approved by all members.
Election of the three new board members
Another highlight of the General Assembly was getting to know Laura Frick, Bernadette Peterhans and Bettina Maeschli, who were candidates for the Board of Directors. Laura Frick comes from Liechtenstein and studied business administration and works for a company active in the construction industry. Bettina Maeschli has over 15 years of experience in the field of fundraising and communication and was active for many years on the board of trustees of Aids & Child. She is the managing director of the association "Swiss Hepatitis". The third in the group, Bernadette Peterhans, is head of the department for professional development at the Swiss TPH in Basel and responsible for the course "Health Care and Management for tropical countries". In the 1990s, she was able to gain a great deal of field experience while working with the ICRC. She has also visited several SolidarMed projects.
The trio was unanimously elected to the board of directors by the members on site and in the zoom call.
Laura Frick will support the board with her expertise in the areas of finance and economy. Bettina Maeschli is looking forward to continuing to aid the projects of Aids & Child in her role as a board member. Bernadette Peterhans will support the board with her vast knowledge and expertise in the (international) health sector.

The three new board members: (from left to right) Laura Frick, Bernadette Peterhans and Bettina Maeschli
Successful conclusion - even in times like these
All those present were able to round off this year's General Assembly on this late summer afternoon in the Bourbaki cinema with an excellent aperitif and good mood. It is only thanks to the courageous planning, acting and thinking of our Board of Directors, our members and the entire SolidarMed team that we can look back on a successful General Assembly 2020 in this special time.
In the following we cordially invite you to watch the recording of the General Assembly 2020 from the Bourbaki cinema here afterwards.