Improve mental well-being with the help of TRE body exercises
SolidarMed is committed to improving the physical and mental health of affected children and their caregivers in South Africa through its partner organization "CHoiCe Trust" and in close cooperation with the state health care system.

SolidarMed is committed to improving the physical and mental health of affected children and their caregivers.
HIV/AIDS, few educational opportunities and a health care system that functions only to a limited extent have left deep scars on the lives of many people in the villages of Nkambako, Mavele and Mandlakhazi. These are located in Limpopo, the northernmost province of South Africa.
The widespread spread of HIV/AIDS has meant that grandmothers often care for the orphans of their sons and daughters who have died of AIDS. Through its partner organization "CHoiCe Trust" and in close cooperation with the state health system, SolidarMed is committed to improving the physical and mental health of affected children and young adults in the three villages.
The range of measures is broad.
The overall goal is to enable children affected by HIV and at the same time by poverty in the project region to lead a healthy life in dignity. One of the activities that the team carries out in the field is called Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE). This sequence of exercises, conducted in small groups, helps traumatized children who have lost their parents to HIV/Aids
to improve their psychological well-being. The TRE method was developed by US psychotherapist David Berceli. It helps people relieve tension caused by difficult life circumstances, immediate or prolonged stressful situations, or traumatic experiences. TRE is an easy-to-learn series of exercises that allows the body and psyche to return to a natural balance.
In recent weeks, SolidarMed supported trainings of children who were newly learning TRE. Once the children have mastered the exercises, they can participate in weekly group trainings. An experienced child leads these. A trained TRE trainer ensures the quality of the training.