Preventing antibiotic resistance
Over 20 percent of infections in Mozambique spread at health facilities and hospitals. Hygiene and infection prevention at health facilities are therefore essential components in containing epidemics, but also the spread of antibiotic resistance.

Staff training for the use of the steam pressure sterilizer. rs
SolidarMed is therefore focusing on this problem in the province of Cabo Delgado in the north of the country. Increased efforts in hospital hygiene, the use of protective equipment, hand hygiene and sterilization of medical equipment should reduce the number of infections. This also includes proper disposal of infectious waste, as well as recycling or composting of certain wastes. Various healthcare professionals are trained and sensitized in the project on proper hospital waste management and safe disposal. Lessons learned from the project will flow into follow-up projects, as well as into discussions of the topic with policy makers in the Ministry of Health.