Protecting mother and child
Pregnancy is not a disease. And yet every two minutes, a woman dies in childbirth. SolidarMed ensures births are safer. For mothers and their children.
Starting into life with hope.
Birth-related complications are still the main cause of death among young women worldwide. At the same time, around 15 000 infants under the age of five die every day from preventable causes. For SolidarMed, protecting mothers and their children is a central focus in all project countries.
To improve the health of mothers and their children, SolidarMed trains doctors, midwives and nurses in southern Africa. In addition, we facilitate awareness campaigns in remote villages on topics such as pregnancy, birth and family planning. Girls and young women are informed about the risks of early pregnancies. And they learn how to protect themselves and their unborn child from diseases such as HIV or malaria.

«SolidarMed successfully collaborates with traditional midwives to promote births under medical supervision.»
Dr. Michael A. Hobbins, Project Manager in Mozambique a.i.
SolidarMed also invests in the infrastructure of the health centres to improve the quality of obstetric care in remote areas. We ensure that life-saving caesarean sections are possible in peripheral regions too. And that the medical supplies needed for a safe birth are available. The focus is always on training nurses and midwives. So that a birth does not become a tragedy, even under difficult circumstances.
Project examples with a focus on mother and child
To ensure that more mothers and children survive, the quality of care before and after birth must be improved. Mothers also need access to counselling and care at home, in their villages and in the health centres. This is the starting point for SolidarMed's projects.